For bank details please email
- Preferred method is by electronic transfer and you must use only your initial and surname as a reference-nothing else.
If paying in a currency other than £(Stg), please use Wise ( or equivalent.
Note that If you make a direct transfer in € (euro) without using Wise or equivalent, you must add £5 to the total due to cover the bank charge.
- It is still possible to pay by cheque in either euro or sterling. For £(Stg) payments, add £2 to the total to cover bank charges. For €(euro), calculate the Stg equivalent and add £6 to the total to cover bank charges. Please ensure you make cheques payable to Irish Mensa.
- Please note that the prices for events on the booking form are applicable for all bookings made prior to the 25th of April. For payments made on or after the 25th of April, please add 10% to the total booking cost.
- When completed, please email the form either in Word or pdf to
Note that you do not need a scanner for this, simply download the form, complete it electronically, save under your name and email it to us.
If you require a postal address to send cheques to:
Judy Hewitt
90 Cable Road
Co Antrim
BT38 9SJ